Eye Examinations


Optical Exam Room

Regular eye examinations are an important step in maintaining your ocular health. In general, we recommend that an adult undergo an eye examination once every two years, while children and senior citizens should be seen annually.

We are honest about our prices

These prices reflect the total price you pay. Taxes are not owed as eye examinations are a medical expense.

  • Full Eye Examination (Ages 19-64): $115.00 | A complete eye examination
  • Children’s Eye Examination (Ages 0-18): The expense is covered under your medical services plan with a valid BC health card.
  • Senior Eye Examination (Ages 65+): $60.00 | This cost reflects that a portion of this examination is covered under your medical services plan with a valid BC health card.
  • Eye Examination and Contact Lens Prescription: $147.00 | A complete eye examination for current or previous contact lens wearers needing an updated prescription.
  • Eye Examination with Contact lens training: $177.00 | A complete eye examination for patients new to wearing contact lenses. This examination includes training on how to insert and remove contact lenses and how to properly care from them.


Common questions:

What should I bring to my appointment?

Be sure to take along your BC Health Services Card as well as any insurance benefit details. Also bring any prescription glasses that you wear.

Should someone drive me to the appointment?

When the optometrist recommends and, you consent to having your eyes dilated, your vision will be impaired for a short period of time. Typically the dilation drops take about 3 hours to wear off, however various factors can allow the drops to last longer. During this time it is recommended that a friend or family member drive you.

What if my prescription has not changed? Do I need a new eye examination?

Even if your prescription has not changed regular eye examinations serve to diagnose potential eye diseases earlier and help prevent serious ocular health concerns.

I have benefits through my employment do you accept insurance benefits?

Yes, visit this link for more details.

Do you accept First Nations Health coverage?

Yes, we are able to direct bill the First Nations Health Authority.

Will my Medical Services Plan (MSP) cover my eye examination?

According to the government of British Columbia an eye examination for those between the ages of 19 to 64 may be covered to an extent by their medical services plan if it is medically required. The medical criteria is defined and our Optometrist will appropriately assess each appointment.

If you are a senior citizen (ages 65+) your medical services plan will cover a portion of your eye examination.

Will my Medical Services Plan (MSP) cover my child’s eye examination?

Children under the age of 19 with a valid BC medical service plan are insured annually in which case there are no fees due within our clinic.

Can I purchase glasses through you?

No, our clinic specializes in eye examinations.

Can I purchase contact lenses through you?

Yes, we can order contact lenses and have them shipped to our office or your doorstep for your convenience.